5 Aug 2011


For a large part of my life, I considered 'money' a dirty word.

I was an ideas person. Something as mundane and tangible as money or earthly possessions didn't seem worthy of my interest.

In the meantime I've come to understand that this attitude could only sprout and thrive in soil that was a) there and b) fertile. In other words: I grew up in the privileged situation where I could afford to deprecate money.

I come from an average, middle-class background. We were never rich by any stretch of the imagination, but our basic and important needs were met and my siblings and I got a good education. That alone puts me in the top quartile of richest people in the world – a gift I never acknowledged.

These last few years, through research my husband is doing, I've come to look at money in a different way: as a representation and carrier of human energy. Money, like energy, is a means to an end, neither good nor bad until it's put to a purpose.

Once I got past my aversion to the world of banking, finance and global economics, new and exciting layers of understanding opened up. This has given me a new perspective on history, human interaction and, above all, on personal responsibility.

Underneath all this, my inner hippie is still very much alive; often enough she rears her wild-haired head. But her job description has evolved. She still gets to rule my dreams, fuel my writing and inspire my choices. However, in the other realms I dwell in, I listen to my other advisers.

Tied in with the topic of this post and in honour of my inner hippie, I wanted to share this:

When thinking about a concept as vast as money, it's easy to lose perspective. The 'Global Rich List' is one of those tools that helps me keep it.

Give it a try. It only takes a few seconds and you might be surprised!

Image: design by: whatshername13 @ deviantart. Text by: unknown.


  1. Any time that wild haired hippie wants to get rid of all that dirty ugly money I can make a suggestion as to what to do with it. lol

  2. lol Delores. I'll keep it in mind, but better not wait for it. =)

  3. thanks KC...i've been feeling pretty down about things lately, finances included, and this really helps keep it in perspective...of course, i wonder with my american debt if i really make what i make haha

  4. The graphic for this post is fantastic, an eye-catching way to drive home an easily forgotten point.

  5. This makes me think of the doubloon in 'Moby Dick,' currency that served as a mirror of its possessor.

  6. I saw that poster (or something similar) in one of your tweets awhile back. It really is astonishing and eye-opening. Kind of makes you feel guilty for complaining about the latte order they got wrong at Starbucks.

  7. Wow, that sounded really stupid when I read it back. What I meant, is that there are people living on three dollars a day and I'm complaining about coffee. That really does put things in perspective.

  8. EcoGrrl: I believe there is a way for any of us to contribute our individual talents to 'the greater whole' and earn a living that way. It might not always be a clear and open road, but I am convinced it's there!

    Margo: I love it too. I've been looking for who came up with the text, but so far I've only been able to track down the person who designed this specific image.

    Suze: oh yes. :-) Interesting idea, that one. :-)

    L.G.: I got what you meant the first time; didn't think it sounded stupid at all. Any native-speaker-exclusive nuances might have gone straight over my head, though. :-)

  9. I'll put your money to good purpose, just hand it over :))
    I live in a country where our yearly income is like your monthly one, so I do know how to appreciate money and never take it for granted.

  10. Very interesting when you put it in perspective...

  11. Hm, that's an interesting post - we struggled as a young married couple with children many years ago, but I've never worried about money in the larger scheme of things.

    However, husband has to find a new job, so it will be interesting to see how long it ceases to be a priority!

  12. Enjoyed this. Often getting outside our "box" is what helps us see things from a larger standpoint.

  13. I'm grateful for all the little things -- food on the table, a roof over my head, a soft bed to sleep in, a family who loves me, clothes to wear and a few coins to spend as I please. The world is so tumultuous lately, I'm grateful for all the little things.

  14. Hi, K.C. FYI, there's an award for you on my blog today. Have a good one.

  15. Love this post because it says a lot of things that have been going around in my head.

  16. I'm the same with money as you used to be. Today, I still can't have any and why this is is beyond me except it just doesn't feel right for me to put emphasis on the financial aspects of my life. Honestly, I wish I were not this way, but I was raised pretty much as you were and never outgrew that way of thinking. The inner hippie is still alive and somehow well. :)

  17. DEZZY: good point, thanks!

    Gwen: it's all about perspective, isn't it?

    Rosemary: good luck! I hope it works out well!

    Munk: =)

    Toby: so much happens inside our box that it's sometimes easy to forget there's a whole world out there with people who live in very different conditions. Still, we can only live our own lives, can't we. :-)

    M Pax: very important 'little' things you've mentioned there!

    Margo: thank you so much! I'll go pick it up right away. :-)

    damyanti: thanks. :-) I'm still learning and changing about the concept, and I've noticed it creeps into my writing as well. I'm curious to see where it will go. :-)

    Linda: I'm a firm believer in the idea that our strength as human beings lies in diversity and cooperation, so it's great we're not all alike and make different decisions. 3 Cheers for your inner hippie! :-)

  18. Hi, a great post! Like you I had a priviledged educated upbringing, not "rich" but never wanting for anything. I also don't love money but also come from the position of never needing it either. I try lead a simple sort of life but because i choose to, not because i have to. I often feel how unfair things can be, why are some so lucky and others up against such extreme hardship - famine, war, poverty, ill health etc All I can do is to be grateful for the life I live. Another great way to help others with financial hardship is through Kiva loans http://www.kiva.org/ Have a good one!

  19. Hi Kate :-) So well said! Thanks for pointing me to Kiva. I'd never heard of it but I've had a look at their site and I think it's a great idea. Definitely something to pass on!
